sábado, 29 de agosto de 2020

Ideias artisticas para caixas de correio. Mailbox

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unusual postbox designs and recycled craft ideas


Unusual design ideas and the right combination of materials turn mailboxes into amazing front yard decorations which enhance beautiful landscaping and house exterior. Colorful and interesting mailbox design accounts for it look and originality of selected shapes and materials, especially recycled ones. Lushome presents a collection of spectacular mailboxes from California.

Most mailboxes are made from metal, wood and plastic. The unique design ideas, their styles and sizes vary depending on shapes and materials that were used for constructing these functional yard decorations. Bright colors or surprising design, as well as structural strength and quality are important factors that create truly amazing, artistic and beautiful mailboxes.

The mailbox materials should last as long as they can, and the colors should compliment front yard landscaping and house exterior design, while adding an interesting detail to outdoor home decorating. Plastic and galvanized steel, salvaged wood and paint can be used for creating unusual mailboxes in rural style.

Koo-Koo mailbox adding unique accent to outdoor home decorating

Unusual mailbox design ideas

Car mailbox in white and blue colors, creative design idea

Traditional shapes can be changed by adding unique elements made with recycled materials and decorated with bright paint colors. Original design ideas and bright color help reuse and recycle materials for spectacular mailboxes that will be used for years.

Galvanized metal mailboxes last long time. This material can withstand extreme weathers and are rustproof. Painted bright colors and decorated with surprising details, galvanized metal boxes make fantastic eco gifts and front yard decorations.

Firetruck mailbox design idea, bright yard decoration in vintage style

Salvaged wood, aluminum and plastic items are great for recycling and mailbox design also. Salvaged wood looks especially beautiful and elegant, creating versatile mailbox design, suitable for any house exterior and yard landscaping style.

30 unusual mail box design ideas for creative outdoor home decorating

Creative recycling ideas turning mailboxes into unique artworks and yard decorations

Copper is one of most luxurious and fascinating material for mailboxes. Copper add majestic shine to a new mailbox and turn the creation into blending with the greenery yard decoration with the time. Copper mailbox is an excellent alternative for contemporary and vintage style house exteriors.

Church building mailbox made with wood and painted white color

Plastic and salvaged wood are great choices for mailbox design, especially for unusual and surprising ideas. These two materials are widely available for recycling and can look beautiful also.

  by Ena Russ   

Free Speech Is Under Attack In Brazil - Liberdade de expressão sob ataque no Brasil


Free Speech Is Under Attack In Brazil, And We Want Americans To Know About ItFree Speech Is Under Attack In Brazil, And We Want Americans To Know About It

Mario  Balaban
Posted: Aug 29, 2020 12:01 AM
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.
Free Speech Is Under Attack In Brazil, And We Want Americans To Know About It

Source: AP Photo/Eraldo Peres


Thirteen years ago, I moved to the United States from Brazil. Part of the reason I left was that my family was fed up with the crime, corruption, and socialist policies which ran rampant in my former home. But recently, with the election of President Jair Bolsonaro, who ran on an anti-crime, anti-corruption, and anti-socialist platform, I began to have some hope for Brazil. 

Since coming into office, Bolsonaro has faced an uphill battle. Though he won the election by over 10 percentage points, his opponents are still trying to remove him from power. Their method? Using the Supreme Court to strip the free speech rights of his most vocal supporters.

The court is composed of 11 Ministers, seven of which were appointed by the far-left Workers’ Party and four others that were appointed by former Brazilian presidents still under investigation for wide-ranging corruption.

The Brazilian Supreme Court only has one item on their agenda: removing the democratically elected president, Jair Bolsonaro, from power through any means possible. The court’s judges have not accepted the October 2018 election results and detest Bolsonaro’s anti-establishment background. Given that the large majority of these judges were appointed by socialist presidents, their anti-Bolsonaro attitude isn’t surprising to most Brazilians.

What we see today is the culmination of the socialist establishment’s efforts, which resulted in the now-infamous “Fake News” investigation, launched in 2019 by the Supreme Court. They purport to investigate mass-scale “fake news” that they believe is endangering Brazilian democratic institutions. In reality, the investigation does nothing but target vocal conservative Bolsonaro supporters and force them into silence.

To further expose the investigation’s double standard, not a single radical Marxist activist or politician in Brazil has been under investigation for spreading fake news. Not even when they openly defend Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro and claim that he is a great and honorable leader.

So far, the “Fake News” investigation has led to personal property seizurescensorship, and even arrests of a social media influencer and a journalist. What the investigation did not do is find “fake news.”

Even with the lack of evidence, the Supreme Court has decided to double down on the investigation.

Recently, Supreme Court Minister Alexandre de Moraes, who leads the “Fake News” investigation, went so far as to order Facebook and Twitter to shut down people’s public profiles. At first, Facebook and Twitter did not want to comply with the order, but a daily fine of 20,000 Brazilian Reais (around 3,750 US Dollars) was placed that forced the American social media giants to comply.

The fact that anti-conservative Big Tech companies originally did not want to obey Moraes’ censorship decision shows just how far the Supreme Court in Brazil has gone. Even these Big Tech companies think that Brazil’s Supreme Court is setting a terrible precedent for speech rights around the world, but are facing fines if they do not follow the court’s orders.

Moraes has conducted the “Fake News” investigation in complete secrecy, barely allowing the investigated parties to know what crimes they are being accused of. In June, for example, the lawyer for one of the investigated conservative journalists, Allan dos Santos, said he and his client were being kept in the dark about this investigation. Also, Allan said he didn’t even know if he was just being investigated or was already considered a defendant in this case. Just more proof that Moraes’ irrational behavior is completely unprecedented and Orwellian in nature.

Worse yet, there is absolutely no one in Brazil that can stop this tyranny. The Supreme Court is the ultimate judicial power, and they are unchallenged as they proceed with these heinous acts against the Brazilian people’s civil liberties. Moraes will continue to push forward with this investigation regardless of the public outcry against it. The reason this “Fake News” investigation even exists in the first place is because the Supreme Court knows that by criminalizing conservative thought, they will be able to criminalize Bolsonaro’s presidency.

To date, there are no laws in Brazil about “fake news” that justify such an investigation. Unfortunately, Brazil’s Congress is helping the Supreme Court by voting to put such laws in the books. Brazilian Congressional leaders are in the process of passing a law that would punish anyone who posts what they deem to be “fake news” with prison time, and they even want to monitor people’s social media accounts in a way that eliminates any and all individual privacy rights. The law is so draconian that even the left-wing group, Human Rights Watch, has come out publicly against it.

The truth is, the socialist establishment’s desperation and need to hold on to power has put them on a path of no return: they wish to curtail speech rights on a permanent basis. They are more than willing to generate political unrest in Brazil in order to silence their opponents.

As I speak with Brazilians about this situation, there is one recurring theme they tell me: Americans must know what is happening in Brazil. A very large number of Brazilians admire the United States and hope that their country emulates the American model one day. They were proud to host CPAC Brazil last year and welcome several American conservatives to speak to them. Throughout the event, American Presidents Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump received roaring applause from the crowd every time they were mentioned.

President Bolsonaro and the large majority of Brazilian people want to strengthen ties with the United States, and that is certainly something that bothers the socialist Supreme Court.

As patriots, Brazilians and Americans must join forces against attacks on our most basic freedoms. The anti-freedom socialist threat has manifested itself recently in the United States, a threat that Brazilians are all too familiar with. It is important to understand that strong cooperation between freedom-loving countries is the only way to halt the advance of tyranny. 

With all of that being said, American support would mean so much for Brazilians at this time, and I am certain many Brazilians would be eternally grateful for it.

Mario Balaban is a conservative from Brazil who currently lives in the United States. He attended Bryant University in Rhode Island, graduating with an International Business degree in 2016. His ongoing mission is to fight for Western ideals and expose wrongdoing at every turn.

Bolsonaro imutável, inabalável !

 Ronaldo Caiado cancela agenda e fará teste do covid-19 | VEJAApós solenidade de inauguração de uma usina em Caldas Novas, o governador Ronaldo Caiado rasgou elogios a Jair Bolsonaro:

“O poder não mudou o homem Jair Bolsonaro. Um homem simples, corajoso e determinado que segue os princípios que o moveram até o momento: o bem do povo brasileiro”, disse no Twitter.

sexta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2020

Estão mentindo. A verdade sobre jovem que atirou nos terroristas do Black Lives Matter


Jovem reage a manifestantes nos EUA e é taxado de supremacista
Kyle só reagiu quando estava no chão sendo agredido por militantes do Black Lives Matter

Um jovem de 17 anos, identificado como Kyle Rittenhouse, resolveu ajudar e proteger pessoas durante protestos violentos do Black Lives Matter. Em um vídeo, ele é entrevista e explica seu trabalho e o motivo de estar armado.

Kyle diz que as pessoas estão se machucando e seu trabalho é proteger o comércio que está atrás dele no vídeo. Ele também afirmou que também estava ajudando pessoas feridas ou em situações de perigo e por isso ele tem um rifle para se proteger, além do seu kit de primeiros socorros.

Os protestos começaram a esquentar, e Kyle foi atacado por militantes do movimento e só reagiu quando estava caído no chão e sendo agredido. Ele atirou contra manifestantes, entre eles um branco que chegou com as mãos para cima mas estava armado.

Veja nos quadros abaixo a ação do militante que pretendia sacar a arma e atacar Kyle:

*** via Capitão Nióbio ***

#Repost @shockwaveradio
Este é Kyle Rittenhouse, o garoto de 17 anos que a mídia está chamando de supremacista branco por atirar em TERRORISTAS do BLM. Agora vamos te contar o que a mídia está escondendo.

Kyle estava limpando o vandalismo do BLM e carregando um kit médico. Ele estava armado para se proteger caso algum tumulto acontecesse. Que bom que ele estava.

Na última semana, um homem procurado pela polícia - por agressão e estupro - não respondeu a voz de prisão e, por estar armado, foi baleado na abordagem.

O caso gerou mais uma onda violenta de ataques pelos TERRORISTAS DO BLM.

Voltando ao caso de Kyle: Ele foi atacado por terroristas - agredido e quase queimado vivo - e reagiu.

Adivinha só de quem ele se protegeu:

1 - "Camisa vermelha"
Nome: Joseph Donald Rosenbaum.
Ficha: Registrado por crime de natureza sexual e conduta sexual com menores.
2x Violência doméstica.

Nome: Anthony Huber
Se preparem, esse tem uma ficha top

6x violência doméstica
4x uso de arma perigosa sem permissão
Colocar vida de terceiros em risco
Tentativa de estrangular e sufocar
Cárcere privado

Se declarou culpado de todas as acusações.

3 - O sem braço
(este ainda cabe mais pesquisa)
Mas aparentemente se chama Gaige Paul Grosskreutz, acusado de vários crimes leves e roubo, o que faz com que ele não seja permitido carregar ou possuir armas de fogo de qualquer espécie.

TODAS AS FONTES NO TWITTER DO:@legendagem.videos

Documentos e fotos nos stories.



A imagem pode conter: 2 pessoas, pessoas praticando esportes

Benedita Corrupta da Silva - R$ 32 milhões de prejuizo

 Irmã de Benedita da Silva morre suspeita de coronavírus

O juiz da 6ª Vara da Fazenda Pública do Rio, Bruno Bodart, manteve o bloqueio de bens da petista Benedita da Silva em uma ação de improbidade administrativa.

A medida cautelar foi decretada em 2015, quando a deputada e ex-governadora do Rio também teve seus sigilos bancário e fiscal quebrados pela Justiça.

O objetivo era recuperar R$ 32 milhões em supostos danos causados aos cofres do estado na época em que Benedita era secretária de Direitos Humanos da gestão de Sérgio Cabral.Benedita da Silva disse:

“Nem todo mundo que vota no PT é do PT. São pessoas que gostam do PT, que reconhecem e se identificam com o PT e o que foi feito, mas… A gente não pode dizer que é de direita, mas essa coisa do costume é algo muito forte. As pessoas ficam cegas diante disso (…). Damares se coloca no lugar da família ideal, da família perfeita, que o governo fala que está ameaçada pela esquerda.”

Guerra dos mundos