domingo, 29 de maio de 2022

Nikola Tesla: «Um ser especial guiado por uma força sobrenatural»


Nikola Tesla: «Um ser especial guiado por uma força sobrenatural»

26/05/2022  Por JONAS ESTEFANSKI

«O dia em que a ciência começar a estudar fenômenos não físicos; progredirá mais em uma década do que em todos os séculos anteriores de sua existência. Nicolau Tesla.

Nicholas Tesla tinha a incrível capacidade de “ver” imagens 3D em sua mente. E então, com uma precisão milagrosa, ele conseguiu trazer essas imagens para um mundo tangível, um mundo que mais de um século depois se beneficiou – ou melhor, existe como tal – graças às suas invenções.

O inventor e engenheiro sérvio-americano descobriu e patenteou o campo magnético rotativo que controla a corrente alternada, a base do sistema elétrico atual.

Ele também nos presenteou com controle remoto, lasers, rádio, raios X, neon e luzes fluorescentes, robótica e inventou uma infinidade de outras tecnologias que desfrutamos hoje através da comunicação sem fio.

algo mais que um gênio

Tesla era mais do que um cientista e inventor. Sim, ele era extraordinário, algo mais que um gênio. Nikola Tesla estava predestinado a mudar o mundo.

Seu nascimento não foi por acaso. A Tesla estava predestinada a dar ao mundo “luz” e tecnologias futuras que agora moldaram uma cultura global de maneiras que nunca poderíamos imaginar.

sábado, 28 de maio de 2022

300 Nikola Tesla Patents


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“Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine.” Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla, an electrical engineer and physicist born in Croatia was one of the most creative and inventive scientists of his time.

His work made way for present development in the world of physics and science. By the time of his death, he had 900 patent files and this didn’t include all of his life’s work.

Tesla’s and His Work, Unfairly Exploited

In his time, Tesla was disregarded. Not because he didn’t have ideas but because he felt he had an ethical obligation to himself and to people all over the world. This was an attribute many scientists in his time did not have. His ideals didn’t sit well with others in his field. Thomas Edison; a inventor and businessman (has nothing on Tesla), cared more about fame and riches. He took credit for a lot of Tesla’s work, all in effort to further himself in the world. Many in the industry attacked Tesla, including J.P Morgan and Marconi who took credit for many inventions including the radio.

Things Tesla Made Possible
But Tesla knew the future was his. If we take a minute to look at his patent files, we can see how his work paved way for our present. Wireless communication, the electric motor, and the robotics is just to name a few.

His Work was Hidden from the World
After his death on January 8th, 1943, Tesla had two trucks filled with his life’s work. On January 9th, a day after his death, the FBI unlawfully confiscated his documents. His work was seized by Gorsuch and Fitzgerald of Alien Property Control and taken to Manhattan, Storage and Warehouse CO. New York, where they still reside.

This was kept secret by the government for a very long time. The government claimed that their interest in Tesla’s work is because they believed he invented a death ray weapon. This doesn’t really explain why they had taken all of his life’s work though.

Today, much of his documentations have been released to the public and we know that 90 percent of his inventions is being used one way or another. His Documentation can now be found on the FBI website thanks to the Freedom of Information Act.

Here are some declassified documentation released to the public.

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