As said in the previous post, Manaus has a touristic bus that goes to main points of the city. The journey takes around 2h30min and costs around US$20.00 per person. For more

Provincial Palace
Address: Heliodoro Balbi Square, Centro – Manaus
Phone: +55 (92) 3622-8387
Working Hours: Tuesday to Friday from 9am to 5pm; Saturdays, from 10am to 7pm; Sundays, from 4pm to 9pm.

Indigenous Community
To have a deeper experience you must visit an indigenous community and know their beliefs and rituals. There are many indigenous tribes that receive tourists in the area, as the Tupé indigenous community in village Dessana Tukana on the banks of the Rio Negro. This tribe retains its culture and Tukano dialect. The visitor who comes to the tribe is received by the shaman himself who explains about the community functioning and features the singing and dancing of the indigenous. This is one of the most traditional tribes in their culture, with few signs of modern life present, as their clothes are still made of straw, leaves and seeds, there is no electricity, running water or sewage. Unfortunately the maintenance of indigenous culture has become increasingly rare, as little by little the indigenous population are adopting the customs of modern civilization. At the end of the visit tourists can buy handicrafts made by indigenous as necklaces, bracelets and indigenous artifacts.

Os principais grupos indígenas que vivem hoje na Amazônia, são:
- Amawáka (Acre)
- Arara (Acre)
- Deni (Acre)
- Nawa (Acre)
- Karipuna (Amapá)
- Palikur (Amapá)
- Wayampi (Amapá)
- Kambeba (Amazonas)
- Jarawara (Amazonas)
- Korubo (Amazonas)
- Wanana (Amazonas)
- Anambé (Pará)
- Jaruna (Pará)
- Kayapó (Pará)
- Munduruku (Pará)
- Arara (Rondônia)
- Aruá (Rondônia)
- Nambikwara (Rondônia)
- Tupari (Rondônia)
- Macuxi (Roraima)
- Yanomami (Roraima)
- Waiwai (Roraima)
- Ingaricô (Roraima)
- Apinaye (Tocantins)
- Guarani (Tocantins)
- Karaja (Tocantins)
- Kraho (Tocantins)
- Xerente (Tocantins)
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