quinta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2020

Para calar a torcida do “quanto pior, melhor”, Fiocruz pede na semana que vem o uso emergencial da vacina de Oxford


Para calar a torcida do “quanto pior, melhor”, Fiocruz pede na semana que vem o uso emergencial da vacina de Oxford


A Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), instituição de pesquisa e desenvolvimento em ciências biológicas, uma das principais do mundo em saúde pública, deve fazer o pedido de uso emergencial da vacina de Oxford à Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa), na próxima semana.

O imunizante que foi aprovado pelo Reino Unido é a aposta mais certa do Governo Bolsonaro.

“Na próxima semana, esperamos entrar com essa autorização para uso emergencial, que não é o registro”, explicou a presidente da Fundação, Nísia Trindade, em entrevista à CNN Brasil.

Em reunião com a AstraZeneca, a Anvisa foi informada, nesta quarta-feira (30), que a instituição faria o pedido de uso emergencial do fármaco contra a Covid-19. Ela tem 10 dias para liberar ou vetar o imunizante.

Em entrevista ao jornal britânico, “The Sunday Times”, o CEO da empresa farmacêutica, Pascal Soriot, afirmou que a vacina tem 100% de eficácia na prevenção de casos graves de Covid-19. Entre os imunizantes já aprovados para uso na população, ela é a mais eficiente. Pfizer/BioNTech fica em segundo lugar com 95%, Moderna em terceiro, com 94% e a russa, a Sputnik V tem 91,4%.

O Brasil foi um dos países que participou da fase de testes do imunizante da universidade britânica e possui um protocolo de transferência de tecnologia que permite produzir, nacionalmente, a vacina.

O Reino Unido já encomendou 100 milhões de doses dela, o suficiente para vacinar 50 milhões de pessoas.

A aprovação, pelo órgão regulador dos medicamentos, significa dizer que, de fato, a vacina é, oficialmente, segura e eficaz.

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After appearances across the world, a monolith turns up in Ahmedabad park


monolith, monolith ahmedabad, monolith in india, gujarat monolith, ahmedabad park monolith, viral news, gujarat news, indian expressAfter appearances across the world, a monolith turns up in Ahmedabad park

The monolith - a three-sided structure made with shiny metal sheets - in Ahmedabad does provide some clues as to what it may represent.

By: Express News Service | Ahmedabad | Updated: December 31, 2020 1:04:56 pm
monolith, monolith ahmedabad, monolith in india, gujarat monolith, ahmedabad park monolith, viral news, gujarat news, indian expressThe monolith was found at Symphony Forest Park surrounded by urban mesh. (Express photo by Nirmal Harindran)

After ‘monoliths’ were spotted at locations across the world, the first such metallic sculpture in India has been reported in an Ahmedabad park.

The structure can be spotted at the Symphony Forest Park in Thaltej, surrounded by various urban development projects. The monolith resembles the other ones that have been found in locations across the world, with shiny metal sheets forming the three-sided structure.

However, the monolith in Ahmedabad does provide some clues as to what it may represent.

One of the sides has a few numbers etched on it, something only an astute viewer will notice. These numbers, listed below, offer some clue as to an affinity towards nature and the protection of wildlife. However, what these numbers exactly represent, only time will reveal.

monolith, monolith ahmedabad, monolith in india, gujarat monolith, ahmedabad park monolith, viral news, gujarat news, indian express Capturing the attention surrounding mysterious monoliths, one shiny structure was found in Gujarat. (Express photo by Nirmal Harindran)

As the structure began to create some buzz among local residents on the internet, the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation’s assistant director of parks and gardens Dilipbhai Patel said he was aware about the monolith in the park. He said it was put up by the private firm that developed and maintained the park.

Completed nearly three months back, the park located in one of the city’s upmarket areas off Sindhu Bhawan Road. It was virtually inaugurated by the Chief Minister Vijay Rupani along with various other projects earlier this month.

“It has been given on a public private partnership (PPP) mode for a period of five years on a deposit,” Patel told Indian Express.

While the artist behind the installation wished to stay anonymous, she spoke to Indian Express about why she came up with the project. She said that the beauty of such sculptures evokes a conversation.

Saying that artworks like these invite people to have conversations about the meaning of things, she said: “It allows them to have a deeper understanding of life and that is the essence of the sculpture.”

“The monolith is shrouded in mystery around the world because people enjoy the mystery of unlocking new ideas and unlocking new thoughts. And this was my contribution to that — engaging of thinking,” the artist said.

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