sábado, 9 de julho de 2022

Susana Vieira faz apelo e implora emprego para Boninho


Susana Vieira pediu para ser recolocada nas telinhas por Boninho em um vídeo publicado nas redes sociais - Reprodução/Instagram
Susana Vieira pediu para ser recolocada nas telinhas por Boninho em um vídeo publicado nas redes sociais - Reprodução/Instagram

Susana Vieira aproveitou um encontro que teve com Ana Furtado na Globo nesta quinta-feira (07) para enviar um recado ao marido da apresentadora, o diretor de entretenimento Boninho. Longe das telinhas há algum tempo, a veterana resolveu pedir uma nova chance para voltar a trabalhar na Globo.

A atriz explicou que está longe das novelas e programas de auditório, mas está disposta a se movimentar. Sendo assim, quis saber se o responsável pelo Big Brother Brasil não pode lhe encaixar em algum de seus projetos dentro da Vênus Platinada.

"Boninho, você tem alguma coisa pra eu fazer dentro da sua programação, porque eu estou fora das novelas, estou fora dos programas de auditório. Você tem alguma coisa pra eu fazer? Muito obrigada. Beijo, te amo", diz Susana Vieira no vídeo.

O relato foi publicado pelo próprio diretor em seu perfil no Instagram, com direito a uma legenda respondendo à veterana: "Você pode tudo [emojis de coração]", escreveu. Nos comentários, diversos internautas pediram a participação da diva na próxima edição do maior reality do país. Será que vem aí?


Eliminado do Power Couple 6 nesta quinta-feira (07), Hadson Nery, o Hadballa, abriu o coração para dar detalhes sobre as relações íntimas que teve com a esposa, Eliza Fagundes, durante o reality show da Record.

"Nós fizemos amor quase todo dia, a gente aproveitou foi para fazer amor, fez sem precisar explanar", contou Hadson na Live do Eliminado, no YouTube. O ex-futebolista também explicou que eles evitavam ao máximo fazer barulho durante o ato para não chamar a atenção dos demais participantes do reality.

sexta-feira, 8 de julho de 2022

OS PINGOS NOS IS - 08/07/2022



5 Nikola Tesla Quotes For Making A Better World

nikola tesla engineer physics quotes by tesla

Nikola Tesla was a Serbian inventor and engineer who is best known for his contribution to the development of alternating current system and his feud with American inventor Thomas Edison over whose electricity supply method would power the world.

Tesla was also a deeply spiritual and a forward thinking man of culture. He consumed Mark Twain's works early on in life and was highly influenced by eastern philosophies in the latter part of his life. In this post, let us take a look at 5 of Tesla's famous ideas that may change the world.

Enjoy solitude

For much of his life, Nikola Tesla was lonely and he was never married. Some of Tesla's best work came out of solitude and he acknowledged this, saying: The mind is sharper and keener in seclusion. No big laboratory is needed in which to think. Originality thrives in solitude free of outside influences beating upon us to cripple the creative mind. Be alone, that is the secret of invention; be alone, that is when ideas are born.

Think reasonably

Nikola Tesla was born and raised in an orthodox Christian family. Later in life he did not consider himself to be a believer in the orthodox sense. Tesla said: To me, the universe is simply a great machine which never came into being and never will end. The human being is no exception to the natural order. Man, like the universe, is a machine.

Tesla favored rationality and always opposed religious fanatism. He believed: Nothing enters our minds or determines our actions, and what we call soul or spirit, is nothing more than the sum of the functionings of the body. When this functioning ceases, the soul or the spirit also ceases.

Preach equality

Nikola Tesla advocated strongly for women to pursue scientific endeavors. Women will startle civilization with their progress, Tesla predicted. He said in an interview: The female mind has demonstrated a capacity for all the mental acquirements and achievements of men, and as generations ensue that capacity will be expanded. The average woman will be as well educated as the average man, and then better educated, for the dormant faculties of her brain will be stimulated to an activity that will be all the more intense and powerful because of centuries of repose.

Future of energy

Nikola Tesla was a visionary who endorsed renewable energy sources like solar, wind and water. Of the three, Tesla was most in favor of sun's practically infinite untapped energy. He said: The sun's rays beat the earth incessantly and supply energy at a maximum rate of over four million horsepower per square mile. The average energy received per square mile in any locality during the year is only a small fraction of that amount, yet an inexhaustible source of power would be opened up by the discovery of some efficient method of utilizing the energy of the rays.

To achieve peace

Nikola Tesla realized much later in his life that the fights between individuals, or even among governments and nations, result from misunderstandings, that are always caused by the inability of appreciating one another's point of view.

Tesla's way of accomplishing peace is simply, understanding and acknowledging the differences. To resist our inherent fighting tendency, the best way is to dispel ignorance of the doings of others. The most important step is to aid exchange of thought and ideas.

Guerra dos mundos