sábado, 23 de outubro de 2021

Day At The Beach Made Funny


A Day At The Beach Made Funny


There’s nothing quite like a luxurious, lazy day at the beach. The sand and ocean always promise relaxation, joy, and more importantly — hilarious pics! Social media has upped the game to new levels, too. Even animals are getting in on that photogenic fun in the sun, and why shouldn't they? Dogs are especially guilty, but they're not alone!

Seeing Double Doggy

One pooch decided to take a walk on the wild side, here on pebble beach. And it looks like this isn't the first time it's happened, by the look of that warning sign!

If it ever becomes necessary to replace the illustration, the internet already has the perfect photo, right here! From the pose to the leap, and even the leash, everything is perfectly positioned. The snack could be improved, though: Pebbles are terrible!

Next: Completely absurd, amusing beach moments captured on film!

No Shirt, No Shoes, No Snapshot

All the single ladies, all the single ladies. And single old dude at the end? That's not how Beyonce sang it, and no one is fooled. Sir, this not your moment to shine!

Shirt in hand, this fellow didn't want to be overdressed — a total faux pas, on a day like this. Strolling down the beach, opportunities like this just present themselves for the lucky few. And for the unlucky many! This photo bomb is going to require some serious editing, whether it means cropping or coloring. Super creepy, really!

Human Beach Board

Cowabunga, dude! This is not the average split second caught on film, and it's difficult to imagine this ended safely. One friend flying through the air, the other jumping on top with all his body weight. Near future ouch?


Maybe so, but that can't take away from this photo gold. Truly amazing, as a matter of physics! It's hard to say which is more stunning, the vertically flying man or the friend that managed to get on his back. Watch out silver surfer, there's real competition today at this beach!


Stallion Struggles

Romance has been defined by knights on shining horses so many times before. The novels, poems, and movies featuring this slick move could fill an encyclopedia of love! Today, however, this scene features a few key differences.


ne member out of five seems to be a bit less sentimental. It's hard to miss him — the man in the middle! He looks truly pained, but why? Maybe it's the syrupy sweet nothings he has been forced to hear in the hot sun. Or maybe, this expression is from getting0 his toes stepped on by two horses, one on each side. Either way, it might just be tie to float away, and fast!


All Bummed Out

And now, a charming couple just enjoying a few rays in the sand. Sadly, they're not totally alone in the magic. Two's company, three's a crowd. But what about three plus one rude butt?


It's hard to miss this situation even for the most polite viewers. Photobombing the moment, one gal's bum is really stealing the show today. The happy couple could never suspect what's happening right behind them. Namely, this behind. There's a time and a place for Downward Facing Dog: If there any yoga excuse, it's time to fess up!


Every Dog Has Its Day

For whatever reason, folks keep getting the inspiration to bury themselves in sand. Sometimes, neck deep! This woman seemed to be in the mood for a little bit of just that. But doggo didn't quite understand the game!


And why should he? It's not like owner-lady does this everyday. This is something new! At some point, she knew it wasn’t a wise idea to bury herself alive. Probably this moment, caught on film! Trapped and subject to pet farts, there was now no escape. Hopefully, no lasting damage was done!


Awkward Amour

Ah, young love. There's nothing quite like that first rush, where time stands still. But does the world really stop in that moment? Maybe for the participants. But not quite for this single friend, sandwiched in between two couples!


Undoubtedly, there's a soundtrack to this situation. As that old song said, "Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you." Escape is imminent. No one can tolerate this level of smooching and PDA for very long! Rightfully so, because this is nauseating.


Up, Up, and Away

Extreme beach sports have never been more accessible, whether its jet skiing, water skiing, or hang gliding over the water. But some people are always looking for that next rush of adrenaline. Nothing conventional will do!


This cheeky fellow decided to invent a new game, tired of all the classics. Step one: Glide and ride. Step two: snatch every bikini in sight! This unsuspecting participant has no idea she is playing, most likely. But he seems to be enjoying himself, regardless. Rules are meant to be broken, ties are meant to be untied! 


The Coolest Cuties

This youngster really knows how to pose. But as smooth as he may be, his monkey might be the one really stealing the show. Cool, confident, and cuddly — a textbook case of monkey see, monkey do!


Stand back, admire this moment in the universe. A charismatic kid, the reclining monkey, Mr. tropical parrot joining in, and all on a Spiderman towel. If anyone claims this isn't awesome, they must be banned from the internet. No more laughs, goodbye! This pic is tailor-made for the web, and on the web it shall stay forever.


New Dog, New Tricks

Strings and things, just what a puppy likes. Knowing this little pooch, this beach babe should have tied a double knot! Now, it's too late. There's no stopping the inevitable now, which might mean a game of fetch.


Hopefully, there are nude beach rules — and no cops! If this puppy actually gets his way, this girl is going to be short one bikini top fast. Pretty awkward, unless its all part of the plan. Maybe she just doesn't like tan lines, and this is a pet trick to help out?


Release the Rainbow

Why, what's this? It appears this man had a rainbow deep in his pants, and he wanted to share it with the world. Why not reveal the rays over blue skies, for all to see?


Well, that's probably not really the case. It looks like it might just be another perfectly placed man and background shot. Sometimes, the photographer just gets that lucky! The second rainbow looks like it’s going into his mouth, too. Drinking a rainbow and peeing all colors at once? Intrigued viewers will have many theories, all untrue!


Hugs Not Drugs

The Jamaican shore is not just a place to get a brand new tan. It's also a place to meet brand new buddies! Usually, it's easiest to bond on shared interests and hobbies. Looks like these two are on the same wavelength, doesn't it?


As the great Bob Marley once said: “Herb is the healing of the nation, alcohol is the destruction.” It looks like these fast friends already agree on the principle. And with this many baggies he's bound to be the most healing guy at the beach!


Gotta Catch 'em All

Mother and child, frolicking on the beach. A charming sight to see. But from this giant hand, there was a terrible plot. Capture them both in a sand pail, and then — the unthinkable.


What will become of mother and child? Will they be trapped in the sandbox forever? Unlikely, it turns out. With the right angles and effort, anything can look bigger or smaller on camera! Just by making a few adjustments, the blue bucket grows 20 times its size. The people shrink, itty bitty. And then, the photo fun begins!


Riding it Rough

Couch surfing has never been done quite this way before! Flippers ready and holding on for dear life, these two are riding waves like nobody's business. Not a total wipe out yet, either.


Maybe they just misunderstood the concept of couchsurfing. This is way too literal, guys! Most people just use that popular site by that name to arrange home stays and hospitality exchanges. Unfortunately, their lodging is now one sofa short if they ever want to try it out the right way. Nobody wants to sleep on wet, rotting furniture, even for free!


Heads Up

The scene begins: A day at the beach, enjoying the breeze. The sun shines above. Nothing out of the ordinary about that. But something is out of place, and it should be disturbing this young lad a bit more!


Lifeguard, on alert! A headless boy on the left, the smiling top. On the right, a bending bottom. The horror, unmatched. Who is taking this picture, instead of administering CPR? How did the decapitation happen, right here in broad daylight? So many questions, folks. But for now, it's time for 9-11!


Bride Has a Beak

When most people picture penguins, they probably think about frigid arctic scenes. Perhaps they imagine these birds running away from polar bears, their snowy nemesis. But the truth is, this species lives all over the globe!


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